
as at 01 October 2024
the image identifies any item added during September 2024

Alexander, J.J.G.,
I manoscritti illustrati della Notitia Dignitatum: in Lucchetti, L. (ed.), Notitia dignitatum - saggi e commenti. (Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 2014), pp.53-80.

Anderson, E.B.,
Cataphracts: knights of the ancient eastern empires.(Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2016).

Arveni, M.,
La Notitia Dignitatum e la storia delle scholae tra IV e V secolo: in Bizantinistica. Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Slavi, serie 2, 18 2017, pp.1-27.

Ast, R. & Bagnall, R.S.,
New evidence for the Roman garrison of Trimithis: Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie umd Epigraphik 30 2015 pp.1-4, pls.1-3.

Atanasov, G.,
The portrait of Flavius Aetius (390-454) from Durostorum (Silistra) inscribed on a consular diptych from Monza: Studia Academica Sumenensia (University of Humen, Bulgaria) 1 2014 pp.7-21.

Atanasov, G. & Gancheva, S.,
Where was the camp of milites IIII constantiani (Notitia dignitatum, V.86-87) in Durostorum (Silistra)?: Pontica (Constanta, Romania) 51 2018 pp.251-271.

Balla, C.,
Some considerations on the Praefectus ripae legionis primae Ioviae cohortis et secundae Herculiae musculorum Scythicorum et classis in plateypegiis: Studia antiqua et archaeologica (Romania) 25 2019 pp.483-493.

Bannikov, A.V.,
Late Roman auxilia and Constantine's 'Vision': World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (11) 2014 pp.1656-1659.

Barbulescu, M. & Barnea, A.,
Cuneus equitum II stablesianorum la Sucidava (Moesia secunda): Pontica (Constanta, Romania) 51 2018 pp.423-431.

Barker-Benfield, B.C.,
Prefazione and Scheda codicologica: in Lucchetti, L. (ed.), Notitia dignitatum - saggi e commenti. (Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 2014), pp.xi-xvi and 81-84.

Benaissa, A.,
An Arsinoite landowner and clarissimus magister of a military unit: Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie umd Epigraphik) 26 2011 pp.23-31.

Bendle, C.S.,
The office of the magister militum in the 4th century C.E. A study into the political and military history of the later Roman empire. (Masters Research Thesis, University of Melbourne, 2020). {see publication in 2024}.

Bennett, J.,
The regular Roman auxiliary regiments formed from the provinces of Asia Minor: Anatolica 37 2011 pp.251-274.

Berger, J-D., Fontaine, J. & Schmidt, P.L.(eds),
Die Literatur im Zeitalter des Theodosius (374-430 n.Chr. Teil 1: Fachprosa, Dichtung, Kunstprosa. = Herzog, R. & Schmidt, P.L. (eds.), Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike, Band 6 (München, Beck, 2020).

Bidwell, P.,
The Roman names of the fort at South Shields and an altar to the Di conservatores: in Collins, R. & McIntosh, F. (eds.), Life in the limes: studies of the people and objects of the Roman frontiers. (Oxford, Oxbow books, 2014), pp.49-58.

Bishop, M.C.,
A Handbook to Roman legionary fortresses. (Barnsley, Pen & Sword Books, 2012).
{Appendix 3: Late fortresses in the Notitia dignitatum, pp.134-139}.

Blazejewska, K.,
L’édition princeps de la Notitia Dignitatum (1552) conservée à Strasbourg: Texte et images: in Karagiannis-Mazeaud, E. (ed.), Strasbourg, ville de l’imprimerie. L'édition princeps aux XVe et XVIe siècles (textes et images): Bibliologia (Turnhout, Brepols) 44 2017, pp.59-65.

Bodnaruk, M.,
Production of distinction: the representation of senatorial elites in the later Roman empire, 306-395. (Doctoral thesis, Medieval Studies Department, Central European University, Budapest, 2019).

Brassous, L.,
Late Roman Spain: in Panzram, S. & Pachá, P. (eds.), The Visigothic kingdom: the negotiation of power in post-Roman Iberia. (Late Antique and Early Medieval Iberia, 9) (Amsterdam University Press, 2020), pp.39-57,

Bratoz, R.,
Die kirchliche Organisation in Westillyricum (vom späten 4. Jh. bis um 600) - Ausgewählte Fragen: in Heinrich-Tamaska, O. (ed.), Keszthely-Fenékpuszta im Kontext spätantiker Kontinuitätsforschung zwischen Noricum und Moesia. (Castellum Pannonicum Pelonense, 2) (Budapest/Rahden, Marie Leidorf, 2011), pp.211-248.

Breeze, D.J.,
The Roman military occupation of northern England: Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society (Kendal) 11 2011 pp.113-136.

Brenk, B.,
Notitia dignitatum: in Garipzanov, I.H., Goodson, C. & Maguire, H. (eds.), Graphic signs of identity, faith, and power in late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages [Cursor Mundi vol.27], (Turnhout, Brepols, 2017), pp.109-124.

Brennan, P.,
Units in the Notitia dignitatum: in Le Bohec, Y. (et al., eds.), Encyclopedia of the Roman army. (Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015), pp.1049-1054.

Brennan, P.,
The tantalizing Notitia Dignitatum: realizing a mirage: in Matesic, S. & Sommer, C.S. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 23, Ingolstadt 2015. (Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, Oppenheim, 2018), pp.411-415.

Brulet, R.,
The Roman army and the military defence in northern Gaul and the Germanic provinces during the late empire: in Roymans, N., Heeren, S., De Clerq, W. (eds.), Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond decline or transformation. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 26), (Amsterdam, University Press, 2016), pp.39-56.

Brulet, R.,
Ad intima Galliarum: in Matesic, S. & Sommer, C.S. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 23, Ingolstadt 2015. (Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, Oppenheim, 2018), pp.480-486.

Bunson, M.,
Notitia dignitatum: in Bunson M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of ancient Rome. (3rd edn.) (New York, Facts on File, 2012), p.469

Cameron, Alan,
City personifications and consular diptychs: Journal of Roman Studies 105 2015 pp.250-287.

Canfora, L.,
I manuali del potere: in Lucchetti, L. (ed.), Notitia dignitatum - saggi e commenti. (Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 2014), pp.1-19.

Chauvot, A.,
L'emploi de la cavalerie romaine d'après les Res Gestae d'Ammien Marcellin: in Lazaris, S. (ed.), Le cheval, animal de guerre et de loisir dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge. (Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, 22) (Turnhout, Brepols, 2012), pp.73-84.

Chiriac, C., Dana, D. & Matei-Popescu,
Un vétéran d'un numerus dans une épitaphe latine tardoantique de Tomis: Pontica (Constanta, Romania) 47 2014 pp.439-450.

Christie, N.,
Proteger el Imperio. Las fortificaciones romanas tardías: in La legión romana (VI) En el siglo IV: Desperta Ferro - Especiales 21 (Historia militar y política de la antigüedad y el medievo) (Desperta Ferro Ediciones, Madrid-Salamanca, Dec.2019), pp.50-55.

Ciglenecki, S.,
Claustra alpium Iuliarum, tractus Italiae circa alpes and the defence of Italy in the final part of the late Roman period: Arheoloski vestnik (Acta Archaeologica - Ljubljana) 67 2016 pp.409-424.

Collins, R.M.,
Hadrian's Wall and the end of empire. The Roman frontier in the 4th and 5th centuries. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2012).

Collins, R.M.,
Soldiers to warriors: renegotiating the Roman frontier in the fifth century: in Hunter, F. & Painter, K. (eds.), Late Roman silver. The Traprain treasure in context. (Edinburgh, Society of Antiquaries Scotland, 2013), pp.29-43.

Collins, R.M.,
Decline, collapse or transformation? The case for the northern frontier of Britannia: in Roymans, N., Heeren, S., De Clerq, W. (eds.), Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond decline or transformation. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 26), (Amsterdam, University Press, 2016, pp.203-220.

Collins, R.M.,
'Anführer der Britannien' - das Kommando des dux britanniarum im Text und in Wirklichkeit: Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte 3/2020, pp. 27-32.

Collins, R.M. & Breeze, D.,
Limitanei and Comitatenses: Military failure at the end of Roman Britain?: in Haarer, F. K., (ed.), AD 410: The history and archaeology of late and post-Roman Britain. (London, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 2014), pp.61-72.

Collins, R.M., Symonds, M. & Weber, M. (eds.),
Roman military architecture on the frontiers: armies and their architecture in late antiquity. (Oxford, Oxbow books, 2015).

Colombo, M.,
La datazione dell'Epitoma rei militaris e la genesi dell'esercito tardoromano. La politica militare di Teodosio I, Veg. r. mil. 1.20.2-5 e Teodosio II: Ancient Society 42 2012 pp.255-292.

Colombo, M.,
La campagna estiva del 357 in Germania I, la spedizione del magister peditum praesentalis Barbatio contro gli Alamanni Iuthungi in Raetia II e le manipolazioni narrative di Ammiano Marcellino: Tyche - Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie umd Epigraphik 31 2016 pp.103-125.

Corona Encinas, A.,
Administración y renovación de flotas fluviales en el Danubio oriental durante época tardía a la luz de CTh.7,17: Ridrom (Rivista Internacional de Derecho Romano) 2019, p.151-179.

Coulston, J.C.N.,
Notitia dignitatum: in Nicholson, O. (ed.), The Oxford dictionary of late antiquity. (Oxford, University Press, 2018), vol.2 (J-Z), pp.1085-1086.

Coulston, J.C.N.,
Die Bewaffnung der spätrömischen Armee - die Fabricae und die Produktion von Rüstungsgütern in der Notitia Dignitatum: Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte 3/2020, pp. 19-21.

Crnobrnja, A.N. & Ratovic, D.V.,
Spatha from the province Pannonia secunda with marks of workshop and military unit: Proceedings of the National Museum - Belgrade (Zbornik Narodnog Muzea - Beograd) 14 2019 pp.255-267 {Serbian with English summary}.

Dana, D., Valeriev, I., Kirov, S. & Moreau, D.,
Un protector issu de la legio Pannoniciana dans une épitaphe de Zaldapa (province de Scythie): Journal of Epigraphic Studies (Pisa-Roma) 3 2020 pp.167-188.

Darby, R.,
Aufidius Priscus, the cohors secunda Galatarum, and Diocletian's re-organization of Arabia and Palaestina: the new tetrachic inscription from 'Ayn Gharandal': Journal of Roman archaeology 28 2015 pp.471-484.

Del Bario Sancho, A.,
Los limites provinciales de la Diocesis Hispaniarum. El caso de la Gallaecia. (, 2019).

Demicheli, A. & D.,
Salona 541. godine - sarkofag vaginarija Saturnina, fabrica Salonitana armorum i Justinijanska kuga: Tusculum (Solin) 11 2018 pp.87-105.
Demicheli, A. & D.,
Salona AD 541: precisely dated sarcophagus of vaginarius (scabbard maker) Saturninus, fabrica armorum Salonitana and the plague of Justinian: Epigraphica (Faenza) 80 2018 pp.357-385.

Demuynck, S.,
De Menapii in Gallia Belgica. Onderzoek naar de grenzen van het Menapisch gebied in de keizertijd. (Masters Thesis, KU Leuven, 2020).

Diederich, S.,
Bilder die die Welt bedeuten - die Notitia Dignitatum und die Tradition der römischen Kartographie: Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte 3/2020, pp. 14-18.

Dietz, K.,
Zur Verteidigung der Nordgrenze des römischen Reiches in der Spätantike aus althistorischer Sicht: in Konrad, M. & Witschel, C. (eds.), Römische Legionslager in den Rhein- und Donauprovinzen - Nuclei spätantik-frühmittelalterlichen Lebens? (Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse N.F. 138) (München, Beck, 2011), p. 63-77.

Dillon, J.N.,
The inflation of rank and privilege: regulating precedence in the fourth century: in Wienand, J. (ed.), Contested monarchy. Integrating the Roman empire in the fourth century AD. (Oxford, University Press, 2015), p.42-66.

Di Segni, L.,
Changing borders in the provinces of Palaestina and Arabia in the fourth century: Liber Annuus 68 2018 pp.247-267.

Dokic, N. & Savic, M.,
Roman army in Moesia I and Dardania according to data from the Notitia dignitatum: Leskovacki zbornik 57, Leskovac 2017, pp.63-104. {in Serbian, with English summary}

Dolezal, S.,
Constantine' military operations against the Goths and the Sarmatians in 332 and 334: Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 55 2019 pp.231-257.

Doveri, E.,
Rome et ses frontières au Vème siècle. (Thesis, Université Nice, 2012).

Drakoulis, D.P.,
The functional organization of early Constantinople, according to the Notitia urbis constantinopolitanae: in Korres, T. (et al. eds.), Openness. Studies in honour of Vasiliki Papoulia. (Thessaloniki, Vanias, 2012), pp.153-183.

Dziurdzik, T.,
Ethnic units in the late Roman army? The case of the equites dalmatae: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia 16 2017 pp.447-462.

Eger, W.,
Notitia dignitatum: in LePree, J.F. & Djukic, L. (eds.), The Byzantine empire: a historical encyclopedia. (2 vols, Empires of the world) (Santa Barbara, California, ABC-CLIO, 2019), vol.2 pp.94-95.

Elliott, A.M.,
The later Roman naval forces of the northern frontier (3rd-5th centuries C.E.) (MA Thesis, University of Melbourne, 2019).

Elton, H.,
Camino al desastre. El último siglo de Occidente: in La legión romana (VII) El ocaso del Imperio: Desperta Ferro - Especiales 25 (Historia militar y política de la antigüedad y el medievo) (Desperta Ferro Ediciones, Madrid-Salamanca, Dec.2020), pp.20-27.

Emion, M.,
'Christum in scutis notat'. Le bouclier au chrisme des gardes impériaux dans l'Antiquité tardive: Journée des doctorants du GRHIS (Groupe de Recherche d'Histoire - de l'Université de Rouen) 7, mai 2014, pp.1-27.

Emion, M.,
Des soldats de l'armée romaine tardive: les protectores (IIIe-VIe siècles ap. J.-C.) (Doctoral thesis, Histoire. Université de Rouen Normandie, 2017).

Emion, M.,
L'empereur chrétien et ses gardes du corps: in Destephen, S., Dumézil, B. & Inglebert, H. (eds.), Le prince chrétien de Constantin aux royautés barbares (IVe-VIIIe siècle). (Collège de France - CNRS, Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance. Travaux et Mémoires 22/2) (Paris, Association des Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2018), pp.415-433.

Esmonde Cleary, A.S.,
Roman state involvement in Britain in the later 4th century: an ebbing tide?: in Roymans, N., Heeren, S., De Clerq, W. (eds.), Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond decline or transformation. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 26), (Amsterdam, University Press, 2016), pp.179-202.

Esmonde Cleary, A.S.,
Urban defences in late Roman Gaul: civic monuments or state installations: in Intagliata, E.E., Barker, S.J. & Courault, C. (eds.), City walls in late antiquity. An empire-wide perspective. Proceedings of a conference held at the British School at Rome and the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome on 20-21 June 2018. (Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2020), pp.27-50.

Esposito, G.,
The late Roman army. (Winged Hussar Publishing, Point Pleasant, N.J., 2016).
reissued as:
Armies of the late Roman Empire AD 284 to 476: history, organization and equipment. (Barnsley, Pen & Sword Books, 2018).

Fernández, L.,
La palabra como imagen del poder: la cultura escrita y su dimensión simbólica en la construcción del lenguaje visual de la Notitia dignitatum. (The written word as an image of power in the manuscripts of the Notitia dignitatum): Codex Aquilarensis (Aguilar de Campóo, Spain) 27 2011 pp.291-304.

Fitzpatrick-Matthews, K.J.,
Britannia in the Ravenna Cosmography: a reassessement (revised 2020). (, 24 Aug.2020).

Fleury, P., (ed.& transl.),
De rebus bellicis. Sur les affaires militaires. (Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2017).

Fodorean, F-G.,
The Danubian road from Viminacium to Durostorum in the Roman itineraries: Dacia: revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne (n.s.) 58 2014 pp.215-229.

Fourlas, B.,
St.Constantine and "the army of heroic men" raised by Tiberius II in 574/575: some thoughts on the historical significance of the early Byzantine silver hoard at Karlsruhe: Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 62 2015 pp.341-375.

Francisco Heredero, A. de,
El ejército romano del Bajo Imperio: Ab Initio: Revista digital para estudiantes de Historia, 2 2011, pp.29-60.

Friedman, Z.,
Ship iconography in mosaics: an aid to understanding ancient ships and their construction. (Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2011).

Furasiev A.G.,
Cloisonné Zoomorphic Mounts of the Early 5th Century from Kertch: Function and Meaning: The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin 18 , no. 2, pp. 181-196. {in Russian with English summary}.

Galliou, P. & Simon, J-M,
Le castellum de Brest et la défense de la péninsule armoricaine au cours de l'antiquité tardive (Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015).

Gerrard, J.,
The ruin of Roman Britain: an archaeological perspective. (Cambridge, University Press, 2013).

Ginner, G. (ed.),
Notitia dignitatum: ein Weltreich verabschiedet sich! Notitia dignitatum continet omnium tam civilium quam militarium dignitatum utriusque imperii occidentis orientisque. (Verkleinerte Faksimileausgabe neu zusammengestellt von Gerhart 'Ghino' Ginner). (Epubli, Berlin-Kreuzberg, 2016) 2 vols.
{facsimile reprint of ms. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, ms. Clm.10291}.

Gkoutzioukostas, A.E.,
The prefect of Illyricum and prefect of Thessaloniki: Byzantiaka (Thessaloniki) 30 2012-2013, pp.45-80.

Gomolka-Fuchs, G.,
Zur Militärbesatzung im spätrömischen Limeskastell Iatrus vom 4. bis zum zweiten Viertel des 5. Jahrhunderts: in Eurasia antiqua (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien-Abteilung) 5 1999 pp.508-522.

Gräf, S.,
Der Anonymus de rebus bellicis: eine morphologische Untersuchung. (Schriftenreihe Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums: Band 38), (Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2018).

Green, T.,
Tealby, the Taifali, and the end of Roman Lincolnshire: Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 46 2011 pp.5-10.

Gudea, N. & Zahariade, M.,
Dacia ripensis: Festungen an der Nordgrenze der Provinz und ihre Truppenkörper. (Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2016).
{§ Anhang B.IV: Tabelle mit der Verteilung der Einheiten in der Notitia Dignitatum,}.

Gudea, N. & Zahariade, M.,
Moesia prima: Festungen an der Nordgrenze der Provinz und ihre Truppenkörper. (Classical and Byzantine monographs v.91) (Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2017).

Guédon, S.,
La frontière de l'Afrique romaine à l'époque tardive: Le cas emplématique de Tobna et du limes Tubuniensis (Notitia dignitatum, Occ.25.25): Historia 67 2018 pp.366-387.

Guédon, S.,
La frontière de l'Africa sous le Haut-Empire. (Nouvelle édition-en ligne) (Madrid, Casa de Velásquez, 2018).

Guégan, P.,
Les barbares dans l'armée romaine de 260 à 363 après Jésus-Christ. Caractérisation, recruitement, influence. (M2 thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2017).

Gugl, C.,
Carnuntum und sein Legionslager in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter. Von Carnutensis scutaria zur frühmittelalterlichen Siedlung des 9./10. Jahrhunderts: in Konrad, M. & Witschel, C. (eds.), Römische Legionslager in den Rhein- und Donauprovinzen - Nuclei spätantik-frühmittelalterlichen Lebens? (Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse N.F. 138) (München, Beck, 2011), pp.505-532.

Guichaoua, M.,
Les unités de l'armée romaine tardive (306 - 423): Cohérence de la Notice des dignités, compréhension de la crise militaire sous Théodose et Honorius. (Kindle Edition, 2019).

Haase, K.T.,
Herrschaft und Raum: Transformationsprozesse der nordafrikanischen Provinzen im 3. und 4. Jh. n. Chr. (D.Phil. thesis, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, 2018).

Hächler, N., Näf, B. & Schwarz, P-A.,
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Harrel, J.S.,
The Nisibis war (337-363 CE). The strategic defense of the Roman Orient. (MA thesis, California State University, 2012).

Hart, T.C.,
The decline and fall of the Vandal kingdom: continuity and collapse on the 5thC African 'limes': in Matesic, S. & Sommer, C.S. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 23, Ingolstadt 2015. (Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, Oppenheim, 2018), pp.718-722.

Hassall, M.W.C.,
Roman Britain: the frontier province. Collected papers: Studies in the history of Roman Britain based on the documentary sources. (Warminster, Hobnob Press, 2017).

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Hebblewhite, M.,
The emperor and the army in the later Roman empire, AD 235-395. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2017).

Heeren, S.,
From Germania inferior to Germania secunda and beyond. A case study of migration, transformation and decline: in Roymans, N., Heeren, S., De Clerq, W. (eds.), Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond decline or transformation. (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 26), (Amsterdam, University Press, 2016), pp.149-178.

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Hobel, T.,
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{§2.4 Die Notitia Dignitatum, pp.8-11.}

Intagliata, E.E.,
Rome and the Tzani in late antiquity: a historical and archaeological review: Anatolian Studies 68 2018 pp.131-150.

Janniard, S.,
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Janniard, S.,
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Jelusić, M.,
Zu einem Schildzeichen der Notitia dignitatum: Neubewertung einer Grabmalerei mit der Darstellung des spätantiken Soldaten Flavius Maximianus aus der Villa Maria-Katakombe in Syrakus (reg. Siciliana / I): Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz) 47 · 2017 · pp.513-532.

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This page was produced by Dr Ingo G Maier (Australia)

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